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We have collected the most beautiful Austrian hotels & resorts, fine dining & luxury shopping, unusual experiences, and much more!
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Interviews with US Austrians
Breakfast in America is our new interview series. If you are interested in showcasing your company & getting interviewed please contact us here.
We want to know what made you move to America. What do you do for business, what do you like in America, funny stories, ....
We want to know what made you move to America. What do you do for business, what do you like in America, funny stories, ....

US Austrians met in Miami for the Grand Opening VOKA

It was a beautiful Miami evening when US Austrians met in Miami for the Grand Opening VOKA. Frank Stronach invited to this special evening at his Gulfstream Park and personally introduced the Austrian artist, who is at least as colorful as his huge acrylic creations!
Meeting with fellow Austrians in the USA is always a great deal, but this time it was very special for us, since the VIP list had a number of famous names: Among 350 guests were the artist Art Voka with his wife Petra, US-Austrians President Guenther Edelsbacher with wife Elke, US-Austrians Ambassador for Miami Herbert Hofer with wife Ruthy, president of the Art Basel Miami Bob Goodman and his wife Diane, Alon Ossip, CEO of The Stronach Group, Music Legend KC from KC and The Sunshine Band, the fashion photographer Dewayne Wise, agency chief Ivica Djurdjevic, gallery owner Gerald Hartinger, Reinhold Kiss, Carina Fischer and Raimund Carl from the McCartney Group, and Honorary Consul of Austria Werner Stemer.
Frank Strohnach's team served typical Floridian finger-food like Coconut Shrimp and Conch Fritters, and to be honest, I stopped counting the champagne floats after finding out that there was a driver waiting to bring us back to our hotel:)
Great evening, thanks Frank;)
Meeting with fellow Austrians in the USA is always a great deal, but this time it was very special for us, since the VIP list had a number of famous names: Among 350 guests were the artist Art Voka with his wife Petra, US-Austrians President Guenther Edelsbacher with wife Elke, US-Austrians Ambassador for Miami Herbert Hofer with wife Ruthy, president of the Art Basel Miami Bob Goodman and his wife Diane, Alon Ossip, CEO of The Stronach Group, Music Legend KC from KC and The Sunshine Band, the fashion photographer Dewayne Wise, agency chief Ivica Djurdjevic, gallery owner Gerald Hartinger, Reinhold Kiss, Carina Fischer and Raimund Carl from the McCartney Group, and Honorary Consul of Austria Werner Stemer.
Frank Strohnach's team served typical Floridian finger-food like Coconut Shrimp and Conch Fritters, and to be honest, I stopped counting the champagne floats after finding out that there was a driver waiting to bring us back to our hotel:)
Great evening, thanks Frank;)
Christmas in America

Hello my fellow Austrian friends, wir sind die Edelsbacher Family in den USA. Yep, die einzigen Edelsbachers, die es in den USA gibt:)
Seit 20 Jahren sind wir schon in Sarasota Florida, und legen grossen Wert darauf, unsere Traditionen beizubehalten.
Natürlich haben wir sie ein wenig ausgebaut, man nimmt sich von beiden Seiten das Beste, right? ZB wird erst mal kräftig Thanksgiving gefeiert, mit Turkey, Gravy und allen Beilagen.
Next Day ist dann Black Friday; den haben wir mal ausprobiert, wie man das hier so richtig macht: Um Mitternacht zum Supermarkt und versuchen, ein paar Superdeals zu bekommen. Einmal probiert und das war's.
Jetzt nehmen wir den Black Friday dazu her, um mit unserem Pickup Truck durch die Stadt zu fahren und den grössten Weihnachtsbaum zu finden.
Dieser Edelsbacher Xmas Tree wird dann am Nachmittag aufgeputzt und das ganze Haus wird innen und aussen geschmückt. Zwischendurch gibt es Thanksgiving Leftovers, Turkey Sandwiches mit Gravy und Cranberry Sauce. Eine Amerikanische Tradition, die wir gerne adoptiert haben.
Da wir in Florida leben, ist es für richtige Weihnachtsstimmung ein wenig zu warm. Deshalb gibt es zwischen Thanksgiving und Weihnachten immer einen Road Trip.
Entweder in die Blue Ridge Mountains oder direkt nach New York City, wo es Schnee und Weihnachtsmärkte gibt.
Wir feiern Weihnachten am 24. Dezember, mit Würstelsuppe zu Mittag und am Abend mit einem tollen Dinner. Da unsere beiden Girls schon Boyfriends haben, sind die heuer das erste Mal auch dabei! Wir ziehen uns festlich an, dinieren ein-zwei Stunden und setzen uns dann zum Weihnachtsbaum, um Geschenke auszutauschen.
Dann gibt es das Christmas Vacation Movie mit Chevy Chase, jedes Jahr:)
Merry Christmas!
Die Edelsbacher Gang
Und hier ein paar Feiertags Images
Christmas in America with the Edelsbacher Family!
10 Best Views in Salzburgerland
Have you ever looked at a postcard of an amazing beach or crazy mountain view and thought to yourself, wow I want to go there? Of course, you have I mean who hasn't! We are all constantly searching for those spots that will make our jaws drop and our relatives jealous of the pictures. After all, traveling is all about seeing the world around you. It is about taking the time to take in new cultures, new experiences, and new sights. When I plan a trip, I want to see everything that place has to offer. I want to find those post-card worthy views. So for those of you heading to Salzburgerland, these are just a handful of views that I have found that are guaranteed to make your inner traveler happy!
1. Klammsee Kaprun
On our way to Kitzsteinhorn one summer, my family and I discovered this little spot and couldn't help but take the long trail around the lake! We decided to spend the day off the beaten path and even found a great little restaurant, Almwirtschaft Schneckenreith!

3. Birnbachloch
Pack your snacks and please don't forget your water because this one is a trek! Now it probably really isn't that extreme of a hike but being in Florida for most of the year, I was out of breath after just 15 minutes. This 2ish hour hike ends with a gorgeous little glacier pool inside of a cave and a view that will knock your socks off!

4. Asitz in Leogang
This is one of my personal favorites! Not only is there an adorable little mountain restaurant at the top, but there is also this lake about halfway down the mountain that is beautiful. There is nothing more peaceful than spending the day sitting by the lake, listening to the mountain breeze.

2. Weißsee Gletscherwelt
Who doesn't love snowy mountain walls and perfect blue water? The glacier is a must see, especially if you are daring enough to take the little ski lift all the way to the tip top!

5. Triefen von Hinterthal
My aunts know every little-hidden spot in Salzburgerland and this is one that I really loved! If you take a hike along the river to the Triefen you will come across this picture perfect spot. But don't stop there, at the end of the path there are these gorgeous mini waterfalls!

7. Steinbockalm
This spot is one of my grandmother's favorites! She took me here a couple years back and the way the clouds hung over the mountains just took my breath away.

6. Erichhuette Hochkoenig
If you are feeling a bit lazy or simply don't have the energy for a long hike but still want to spend your day staring out over the mountains, I recommend heading to Erichhuette! It is beautiful, not a far walk, and added bonus, there is a great little alpine restaurant at the top!

8. Krimml
This one is a no-brainer! Being one of the most sought-after waterfall spots in all of Austria, Krimml definitely doesn't disappoint! Plus, the waters are said to have healing powers so take a seat and breath in the magic.

9. Berggasthof Huggenberg
Home to the Sommerrodelbahn, this spot has become somewhat of a second home to my family. If you ever need us, we are most likely sitting up here drinking a Radler at the end of the day. The food is always amazing and the view of Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer is relaxing as can be!

10. Hotel Winterbauer in Flachau
My last and final tip for you is maybe my best one! This is probably the most asked about spot on my page! I get so many messages asking about where this is so I'm going to share it with you. In the area of Flachau, there is a cute little boutique hotel and spa… enjoy the view and the pampering!